
23 August 2017

A few photos from my trip to Munich! Ironically, it felt so much warmer in Munich than it did in Greece, I think because we did so much more walking and it wasn't so muggy in Rhodes. On the last photo I realised I had a weird setting on the camera, which explains why it looks so blue. This trip was not so much a sight-seeing trip as a reunion trip with friends, which in itself was so different from the holiday I had been on only a couple of days before, although I was quite glad about the change. 

I'm all done with travelling now this summer; in fact, my next holiday is at Christmas, when we go to Florida for a week or so, which I'm seriously looking forward to. It's actually so nice to be at home again, because it felt like I hadn't been for a long time, because when we came home from Rhodes, we only had two days before re-packing and flying to Munich again – I feel like I could tell you so much about airports now.

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