I'm Back and I'm a Year Older!

19 June 2018

And, breathe.

I've finished my exams!

As cliché as it might sound, I really do feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I cannot tell you how good it feels to not have 'I have to do revision' constantly at the forefront of my mind.

It definitely came to the point where it was all I thought about, and I've never done so much in my life. But I wanted to look back and think 'Yeah, I've definitely given it my all' and 'whatever the outcome, I know I tried my best'. I think I frequently felt that I hadn't done enough,

But then, what is enough?

It's not a nice feeling, thinking you could have always done more. But looking back on it now, I don't think I actually could have done anymore, for me, anyway. My whole life circulated around revision. It was the first thought in my head every morning, and the last thought at night. And honestly, as soon as my last exam was over, I felt as though I could finally just exhale again.


Anyway, on a much brighter note: I don't think I could have timed my birthday any better, to be honest - the day after my last exam! I don't think I have ever had a more enjoyable yet relaxed birthday weekend. It was definitely the most stress-free weekend I've had for as long as I can remember.

We spent the weekend in Liverpool, one of my most-loved cities. It was so chilled, browsing the windows of Liverpool One with one of my closest friends and spending the evening in Gusto's (one of my new favourite places, can I just say).

 I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank my friends and family for making my birthday so incredibly great. It was the best possible ending to months of stress and pressure for us all.


So what now? I want to dedicate this summer to making the best possible content on this blog, as I do seem to have neglected it for a while, although for the benefit of my exams. I can't wait to get on with it. So if you have any blog posts that you'd really want to see, either comment on this post, my social media posts or message me on any of my social medias.

Thanks for sticking with me.


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