Quick & Easy Breakfast Ideas

22 March 2017

Hi again!
It feels like a long time since I last wrote a food-based blog post, even though it was only a couple of months ago. I can't believe we're already nearing the end of March! It's finally, finally Springtime (even though the weather doesn't seem to agree at the moment), which I'm very happy about. On a completely different note, I think the music that is being released at the moment is so, so good!
Anyway, back to the post – I'm getting off topic, yet again. Do you ever find yourself sleeping in late, rushing to get ready, but still end up scoffing down a banana and glass of water? Well, say no more, because I've got you covered. Here are some of my quickest (but still tasty!) breakfasts that you can make in pretty much under 3 minutes! A lot of the time, I find myself having to make pretty quick breakfasts, but I still want them to taste delicious. So, in no particular order, here are my three breakfast ideas!
Breakfast idea 1...
Granola, Greek/regular yoghurt, banana slices and blueberries (or any preferred fruit).
Breakfast idea 2...
Porridge, banana slices, blueberries and maple syrup or honey.
Breakfast idea 3...
Chopped strawberries, banana slices, orange juice, Greek yoghurt.
Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, Greek yoghurt, milk/orange juice. 
And there you have it! My three go-to breakfasts that are not only easy to make, but taste great! 
Lots of love,

Photo via Unsplash

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