A Few Days in Kraków

16 April 2017

Hi again!

If you didn't already know, a couple of weeks ago I went on a small trip to a pretty little town called Krakow, in Poland. It was a three night stay, but we managed to see a lot in the time we were there.
At the airport, it was no surprise to me when I forgot to take my hair straighteners out of my carry-on, which resulted in a quick baggage search at security.

Once we had stepped off the plane and boarded the coach, checked into the hotel, we went out in the evening to explore the Square. It struck me as quite a peaceful but lively area.

On our first full day, we visited the Galicia Jewish Museum, to get an insight into life during the Nazi period for men, women and children alike. It was also interesting to learn about aspects of life during the aftermath of the Second World War. 

Next, though, we took a trip to the Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkeneau concentration camps. Let's just say, it was a harrowing and daunting experience. For some reason, it felt very surreal to be there, possibly because what had happened there, not so long ago, was so dreadful. 

Day three, our last full day, we drove down to the Salt Mines. Initially, I thought there were only a few flights of stairs, but I was not prepared to walk down 53 of them! Anyway, once we were down the stairs, we were all given a tour of pretty much the entire mine. It's a pretty impressive place, what with all the pools and passages of water and the many caves...it's definitely somewhere you should visit if you ever go to Kraków. Our last stop was to the Oskar Schindler's Factory. This was a very alternative museum to those I've been to in the past, but it gave us an even further insight into life during the war. 

Before I knew it, our last day arrived and we were packing our suitcases once again. All in all, I had pretty good time, made even better with my friends there too. I don't think I've ever learnt so much on one trip away!

Anya x

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