March 2016 Favourites

3 April 2016

Hello, and welcome to my first blog post of April!

I can't really comprehend the fact that it's already April, and that Summer is approaching quickly. Not that the weather has completely improved, although it's on its way.

This week, I decided to do another monthly favourites post for you all. I really enjoy writing about all the things that have stood out to me over the duration of March. So without further ado, let's get into the post!

Real Techniques Sculpting Brush

This is a really versatile brush that I recently bought from Boots. Although a little more on the pricey side, it was completely worth it. I have used this for powder, foundation and contouring, and it's just the most perfect brush for each. The bristles are really soft but also firm, which means I have more control over where the makeup is going and how well it blends into my face. 

New Look Black Denim Skirt

This is quite possibly my new favourite skirt. It suits my figure really well and isn't too tight on my waist. At first, I was a bit wary about denim skirts and wasn't sure about buying this, but I absolutely love it! It is also really versatile, and I'll usually pair this with a short sleeved top or my ivory blouse, both tucked in. 


On a completely different note, recently I've been loving bagels for breakfast with just butter on top. They taste so delicious and completely fill me up. I love cinnamon and raisin bagels but also just the classic bagel.


I recently joined Snapchat, and I can honestly say I absolutely love it. I think I can be more of myself on Snapchat than on any other social media I have. That doesn't mean I show a completely different side of myself on other social media, but I do feel a more relaxed vibe on Snapchat. 


You'll know all about my obsession with pastels if you read last week's blog post. I think I've become much more girly recently, and pastels really support this. I love baby pink, mint green and sky blue a lot. 


This may seem a bit odd, but I love my glasses so much. For one thing, I love the shape and colours of both pairs, but also just how well I can see through them (which is kind of the function of glasses, but oh well!). I didn't realise just how bad my eyesight was until I tried them on for the first time. I once said that it was like I'd just entered some parallel universe where I could suddenly see really well again! 

EOS 'Sweet Mint' Lip Balm

I got this in Florida last year from Target (basically the best shop in the world!) and I use it frequently. Unfortunately it's almost run out, but that just shows how good it is! Not only does it make my lips feel super-moisturised, but the smell is incredible, and it makes my lips feel cool and refreshed. 

And on that note, we've reached the end of another post! I hope you enjoyed reading about my March favourites.

Anya x

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