Summer Reads

22 April 2016

Reading has always been a huge part of my life, and I feel it has played a part in who I am today. Getting absorbed in a whole different world is really interesting, especially if a novel is relatable for whatever reason. I used to really enjoy reading books by the likes of Jacqueline Wilson and Enid Blyton, but now I'm older I've moved on to reading young adult novels. I love it when I find a really good book that I'm really eager to read and don't want to put down. 

As Summer is just around the corner, I thought it would be a good idea to let you all know of my best reads and recommendations, so if you fancy reading this Summer, you have an idea of some great books. 

The first book I wanted to talk to you about is Faceless by Alyssa Sheinmel. I was out shopping and was eager to find a new book to read. I then came across this book and was instantly intrigued by the blurb. This book is all about dealing with life-changing injuries and finding yourself. It's great if you want a book full of drama and emotion. I'd give this book a huge thumbs up.

Another book I've been loving to go back to is The Scrapbook Of My Life by Alfie Deyes, aka PointlessBlog. As soon as I knew about this book I wanted to read it. I love how chatty and friendly the book is, and the fact that it's a little bit different to other autobiographies. If I'm honest, I finished this the day I bought it.

Three YouTuber autobiographies I've also been into are Love, Tanya by Tanya Burr, Life With A Sprinkle Of Glitter by Louise Pentland, aka Sprinkle Of Glitter, and Binge by Tyler Oakley. I love watching all three of these inspiring, wonderful people on YouTube, and was really eager to read their books. So, if you're into YouTube, you might want to give these a try.

Zoe Sugg, aka Zoella is also an extremely successful YouTuber, who has written two of my favourite novels: Girl Online and Girl Online: On Tour. These novels are really inspiring and make people aware of the impacts of anxiety and panic attacks. These books are full of romance and drama, and I would definitely recommend them. 

On to book series. My favourite book series would probably have to be The Hunger Games franchise. Each book in this dystopian series is full of suspense, heartbreak, and demonstrate a strong female leader in Katniss Everdeen. 

This series is somewhat similar but also quite different to the Divergent series, another post-apocalyptic book series. This series also presents a strong female lead, as Beatrice 'Tris' Prior has to make a difficult decision as to which 'faction' she chooses to stay in for the rest of her life. If you're into sci-fi, post-apocalyptic books, I would recommend giving these series a go.

Another series I absolutely adore is the Twilight Saga, a romantic fantasy series. There are four books in this series, which are Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. The series surrounds Bella Swan,, who meets the mysterious and intriguing Edward Cullen when she moves to Forks, Washington.

So that's a wrap! I hope you got some reading inspiration from this, or just enjoyed reading about some of my favourite books. If you want me to do any particular book reviews, let me know in the 'Comments' section below. 

Anya x 

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