7 Road Trip Snacks

28 July 2016

Since summer has begun, so have the long car journeys. Usually, during said journeys, I tend to get a bit peckish. Obviously, you can't really take a whole fridges'-worth of food along with you, so I put together a list of great snacks to have while on your way to wherever you need to be. 

I lay need to have a drink when I'm in the car for a longer period, but because I don't really consider water as much of a 'snack' and it's kind of essential, I didn't include it in this post. I did, however, want to mention hot drinks and smoothies. Hot drinks are perfect in winter, although in summer that's debatable. My favourite hot drinks are hot chocolate and tea. If you want a quick and easy smoothie recipe, try my strawberry and banana combo.

If you're going down the very healthy route, I have you covered. I find that bananas and apples are great for car journeys, because you get a lot out of them and they're pretty tasty. I can't have whole apples at the moment because of the brace situation, however I can have them sliced, which is actually better, in my opinion. 

Fruit Bowl packets are a great option if you want a lighter snack. My favourites are the yoghurt-coated strawberry drops, which you can find here. The blackcurrant flakes in the picture are alright, but I find that the texture is a little bit odd. However, that's only my opinion. These snacks are pretty similar to the Whitworths Shots, which you can find here. These are full of seeds, nuts, raisins and all kinds. 

The very last thing on the list is a classic Pick Up! bar.  These are my go-to snacks if I have a chocolate craving. They are small but surprisingly filling, because the chocolate is sandwiched between two thin biscuit layers. The only thing I would say about these is that they are very, very crumbly, which I say from experience, so if you don't like slightly messy food in the car, I probably wouldn't recommend these. However, if you're not really bothered about the mess, I would definitely give these a go. 

I hope you enjoyed that little roundup of the snacks I would recommend for long car journeys. Question of the day:

What is your favourite road trip/car journey snack, and why?

Anya x

Top photo: Unsplash

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